Kvashe is a hunter, a being that has been bonded to a spirit, the star spirit Vou, in order to fight monsters that have taken over the realms and destroy the world around them. Kvashe grew up seeing monsters destroying their world and living without a home to go back to, they spent a lot of time at the top of the hills near where their home had been.
They would wish on stars every day to have the power to fight monsters. One day, Vou appeared before them and offered them the chance to fulfill their wish.
They are stronger at night when the moon and stars are visible and are very close, often comforting each other and removing the loneliness each used to feel. They work closely with Keshet, Midyn and Yshiwa, and is the sweet and comforting one of the four.
The Exolvuntis Forest is a location familiar to all Monster Hunters and is somewhere they all travel to in order to solidify and deepen their connection with their spirit. The world around the forest has changed greatly since the first Monster, as such it has borne many names, and many environments. The Forest itself has changed little, though there is evidence of the scars from other civilisations, technology that is unfamiliar and magic that is out of place.
The current cycle is a magical realm with scattered civilisations that live in small villages. Most people do not have access to spirits to help protect them, so they are primarily hidden by magic in the hope to keep them safe. Some believe that the Exolvuntis is a portal to another realm, so many daren't go near it without the protection of a spirit.
Adrien works with Bella quite closely, practicing dance routines and creating music that will match her performance style. Though he is slightly over familiar with her and will sometimes receive threats in return. They've developed a teasing, playful relationship. Adrien likes getting her to come out of her shell and is trying to help her find comfort in other people's presence.
He also enjoys buying her new outfits, often dragging her out with him. Adrien has let Bella see into his mind so she has a good grasp over his feelings and how he struggles with himself and his upbringing. She shows signs of frustration at him hiding his struggles, but doesn’t bring it up. They very rarely discuss their pasts, he finds comfort in knowing she understands a similar upbringing and they fill their time with not thinking about their struggles.
Nullam vitae tellus imperdiet, faucibus erat sit amet, facilisis ante. Fusce in dolor varius, tempus justo vitae, maximus arcu. Praesent pellentesque dignissim turpis, id ornare leo facilisis id. Donec varius commodo faucibus. Integer malesuada dignissim blandit. In hendrerit accumsan aliquet.
Etiam consequat consequat neque eu convallis. Sed cursus rhoncus libero ut viverra. Nam mollis, purus et vehicula consectetur, enim enim dapibus mauris, nec sagittis turpis lacus id dolor. Proin porttitor id massa et tincidunt. Fusce semper ipsum ac venenatis vehicula. Mauris metus lorem, condimentum a enim eget, porta cursus orci. Donec interdum at ex ac gravida. Phasellus eget varius velit, at placerat massa. Donec et tortor et nibh tristique dignissim in eget dolor. Sed eu sodales magna, nec maximus enim.
Adrien found his way to the Limbo Freak Show by chance. They were performing in town, to offer solace to the people during a hard economic hit. When he saw their show he saw a chance to escape from the life he'd been caged to. They saw his interest and saw something in him that was seeking freedom. He agreed to join them and travel to help bring light to other people.
He became their musician and choreographer. The Show has given him a sense of family and he's coming out of his shell a lot, finding comfort in their company.
Adrien was born to two musical geniuses. Isabella and Mateo Giovanni de Luca. The atmosphere he grew up in was suffocating and very strict. His oldest sister, Maria, grew to be cruel and unpleasant as well. Both Adrien and his younger sister, Ani, were struggling under their parents. Neither wanting to be constricted to their parent's plan for them. Even from a young age, Adrien has been very talented with instruments and music. The pressure of his parents made him avoid his responsibilities as much as possible in order to push back about it.
Becoming a little jaded and neglecting himself and his emotions, he tried to protect his sister as much as possible. When his father died, his mother grew even more controlling. Likely to help bring some more control into her life, that she believed she'd lost. When he realised she was going to lock him into a life he didn't want, he left home with no word to his mother or sister, only giving Ani a way to contact him.
Around the age of twenty, he finally managed to pull out from under his controlling mother. Not long after his father died and her treatment and personality worsened. This event helped him escape an abusive situation, and opened up his life for freedom and a chance to be comfortable in himself again.
Met and joined the freak show very soon after leaving home. Working a dead-end, boring job just to survive, he went to see them perform in the nearby town and was brought in by day/night, who saw a great deal of musical talent in him (As well as a lot of pain).
A few years after having joined the freak show, he received word from his sister, Ani, that she was free from their parents and searching for her own direction in life. This event took a great deal of weight off his shoulders. Adrien is highly proud of his sister, and writes to her as much as he can.
Born from the spirit of a great wolf who died at the base of the Fadarossa Forest, Lancelot became a guardian to protect the great creatures around and within the forest. When the griffin were slaughtered and the Eshire castle burned, he went to try and help and instead found a single figure, Cousaria, almost dead and buried under the ruins of her home. Restoring her health, and bonding his life with hers and giving her the same immortal life as his own.
They bffs now bro! Super bffs! Amazing bffs!!
Unleashes a bolt of magical energy from the grimoire that inflicts Raw damage and Dazes targets in the area.
Carries the power of the siren's voice that has been passed down through his family. It has captivating and controlling powers and can put others under a spell that takes away their control and safety.
Skilled with music, capable of picking up and learning almost any instrument presented to him. Specifically skilled in playing the violin and the piano, and are the two instruments he is found with most often.
A great dancer. Specialises in latin and south american dance. Is able to choreograph dance routines as well and often does so for the Freak Show.
Passed down through his family for ages. Often siren's choose their voices instead of an instrument. Adrien was one of the rare few in all generations who took up an instrument instead.
A beautiful golden wedding band - Adrien got his father's wedding ring after the man passed away and has been wearing it ever since it was given to him. He never takes it off and keeps it close at all times.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam molestie iaculis nisi. Mauris mollis augue non justo fermentum, at viverra urna scelerisque. Cras tellus justo, fringilla eget lorem id, scelerisque eleifend sem. Quisque vitae metus non risus sagittis mollis. Cras in lectus id ante maximus tincidunt.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam at tempus nulla. Nullam accumsan mi est, et eleifend enim condimentum sit amet. Cras sodales, odio quis gravida pellentesque, elit odio laoreet turpis, at tempus velit sem eget ex. Vestibulum nec quam sit amet ipsum maximus fermentum.